Records in CRM.web are usually displayed in one of three types of view: Expand, Tree, and Search & List. Among these, Expand is used when opening a record through most of the usual methods, as well as when creating a new record. In this article, we will discuss how the Expand view can be configured for a given Info Area and analyze the most common customization scenarios.
The Expand Configuration
Expand Configurations are referenced throughout the product when configuring how a record should be displayed. For example, a Tree View will allow you to select which Expand you want to display for the main record, as well as related records:
While Expands and Field Groups for a configuration can be accessed directly on the CRM.designer home screen, it is instead recommended that the desired Info Area is searched instead under Views:
Once there, you should be able to see a full list of items related to the Info Area:
You can copy a certain Expand to your current configuration to edit it as needed. Note that you don't need to copy an Expand if you only want to modify one of its linked elements, such as the associated Details Control.
Inside, a list of the configurable elements are displayed, as described in Expand Configurations:
In this article, we will develop the most important of these: the Field Group, which allows for selecting the fields that should be displayed in a certain Expand. Headers are also of great interest, as they will allow you to configure the buttons that appear on each of the views, as well as the special features described in Working with the Parent and Related Data areas in CRM.web.
Field Groups
Field Groups contain lists of fields arranged in one of several different ways, called controls, that allow you to choose which fields are displayed and how. Within each Field Group set, different Controls exist, such as Search and List, used, respectively, for the searchable fields and the columns in the results of S&L views.
In the case of Expand Views, we are interested in the Details Control within the Field Group in use. If you choose to view, or copy and edit a certain Details Control, you will see a list of fields in use, organized in one or more panels:
Working with Panels
Panels are UI elements that contain a set of fields organized as desired. They can be displayed on their own, by checking Display as Group, or in tabs, by unchecking it:
Additionally, panels can be rearranged, including the option to group several panels by moving them into an empty panel. Do note that nested panels have some limitations in terms of configuration.
Please refer to the manual for the full list of options available when Configuring Panels as well as the existing Panel Attributes.
Configuring Fields
Fields to be displayed can be dragged and dropped from the panel on the left to any of the panels. Additionally, it is possible to Add Combined Fields, or Linked Fields from other, related Info Areas:
Fields support much more complex and flexible options in terms of customization, as described in Field Attributes.
More Information
As is usually the case for ACRM, the number of existing options and ways in which the feature can be customized is too extensive for this introductory material. Therefore, please refer to the manual articles on the Expand Configuration and Field Groups for detailed information on any of the sub-features.