You have created a group panel in CRM.designer for a certain Expand or Tree View, and would like to know whether it is possible to rearrange the panels within in CRM.web by drag-and-drop. You are also interested in modifying the default behavior of the child panels by setting them to collapse by default.
Nested panels do not support drag-and-drop functionality, and will ignore the collapsed attribute. Enhancement request AUREASPECS-2909 has been raised for the consideration of the Development Team to implement the ability to use these features with nested panels in the same way it is done for non-child panels.
Note: The current functionality of the system is as follows:
- The 'collapsed=true/false' setting applies to parent panels and will be ignored for child panels.
- A child panel can be manually collapsed, but the status will not be saved.
- Child panels inside of a parent panel cannot be rearranged by dragging and dropping.
- Any changes made manually to the collapse status overwrite the user's settings and will not be cleared upon invalidating the cache. Changes to child panels collapse status are not saved, however.