How to: Configure FindAsYouType
Question/Problem Description
This article explains howto configure FindAsYouType
A field is considered for FindAsYouType if one of these conditions is met:
- The field is a link field (= Z-Field, NOT a linkED field from another info area!) and is not read only
- The field has a "Select-Function" of type selectRecord defined in the Field Attributes
The FindAsYouType feature can be configured using:
- the parameters of the selectRecord function by either
- providing a query name
- providing the fields to be searched and transferred to the details view
- a query with name <InfoArea>.FindAsYouType, where <InfoArea> is the ID of the info area to be searched.
- For all link fields (=Z-Fields) with target <InfoArea>, this query is used automatically if no other configuration is defined.
What does FindAsYouType do with the selected Record?
FindAsYouType only takes care of selecting a record and then hands this record over to the Select-Function, which takes care of further processing:
- for link fields (Z-Fields), the function automatically sets the according link and thus the corresponding field gets updated.
- for other fields, the Select-Function has to be configured explicitly to update the appropriate fields.
See HOWTO_Use_RecordSelector for further information.
The behaviour of FindAsYouType can be configured by providing selectRecord an argument object containing the property findAsYouType. The general structure should be:
from: {
findAsYouType: {
searchFields:[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
query: "MyQueryName"
This section provides a detailed description of the parameters for FindAsYouType.
Name | Type | Description |
infoAreaId | string | The ID of the info area to search in. Default if not set: from.infoAreaId property in the selectRecord argument object |
searchFields | OneOf{string,int}[] | The field names/numbers to search in. Default if not set: parameter textFields
The supported fieldtypes are:
When a field with a different type is used in the searchFields , FindAsYouType is deactivated. |
textFields | OneOf{string,int}[] | The field names/numbers used in the drop down for showing the results. Default if not set: parameter searchFields . |
maxRows | int | The maximum number of items to find. Default if not set: 8 |
query | string | The name of the query to use for findAsYouType. If this parameter is provided, the parameters searchFields and textFields are ignored. |
Note : The argument object provided to selectRecord needs to contain at least from.infoAreaID, as this info area id is also used for FindAsYouType. See HOWTO_Use_RecordSelector for further information.
from: { infoAreaId: "YourInfoAreaId" }
from: {
findAsYouType: {
searchFields:[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
from: {
findAsYouType: {
query: "MyCustomQuery"
Defining Queries for FindAsYouType
FindAsYouType can be configured by providing a query with filters either
- by setting the query in the selectRecord argument as mentioned above, or
- by naming the query <InfoAreaId>.FindAsYouType.
Every occurence of $parValue in the filters will be replaced by the text entered in the input field. The output fields of the query are used for showing the results in the dropdown.
A query for companies: (users search field 2 = Company, the results contain fields 2 = Company, 3 = Synonym and 5 = Country)
SELECT (2, 3, 5) FROM (FI)
WHERE (F2="$parValue")
If this query is saved with the name FI.FindAsYouType, it is used as the default FindAsYouType query for all link fields referring to a FI record.
Configuration Order
As there are multiple ways to configure the FindAsYouType feature, there is a defined order for the evaluation. Let selectRecordOptions be the argument provided for the selectRecord function, then use the first rule that matches:
- If selectRecordOptions.findAsYouType.query is defined, the query with the corresponding name is used.
- If selectRecordOptions.findAsYouType.searchFields and/or selectRecordOptions.findAsYouType.textFields are defined, they are used.
- If a query with the name <InfoArea>.FindAsYouType is defined, it is used.
- If none of the rules above match, FindAsYouType is disabled.