Fixes and changes
Here is the list of customer defects fixed in ACRM Web version 14.6:
GHI-2228 - Documents can now be sorted when multiple pages are listed. (Reported in 14.4)
GHI-2134 - Solved certain CRM.web errors after IIS restart. (Reported in 14.1)
GHI-3899 - Bulkloader imports now correctly overwrite CRM.designer configurations. (Reported in 14.0)
GHI-1348 - Data entered in custom text (HTML) fields is now correctly saved in all cases. (Reported in 14.1)
GHI-703 - Array fields in CRM Pad no longer throw 'Input string was not in a correct format' when the string is correct. (Reported in 14.3)
GHI-702 - The currency field is now correctly tracked in the History of Marketing Activity (AK). (Reported in 14.3)
You can download the latest version of ACRM from the following location:
URL: s
Username: acrmdownload
Password: acrmclient
Protocol: SFTP
Port: 22